«Τ' αβγά παίρνω μόνη μου;» : Κριτικός γραμματισμός, επαγγελματικές συνδιαλλαγές και ευγένεια

Part of : Γλωσσολογία ; Vol.22, 2014, pages 19-39

Critical literacy fosters students' reflexive stance towards genres and discursive strategies by enabling them to detect the reasons why a text is organized in a particular way, to question the fixedness of this organization and to explore alternative ways of using discourse in a specific context. The present study suggests that language teaching programs aiming at cultivating students' critical literacy could exploit the genre of service encounters for their purposes. Sociolinguistic approaches to service encounters investigate, on the one hand, their transactional dimension, i.e. how speakers organize their contributions, and, on the other, their interactional one, namely how they build their relationships in terms of politeness strategies. These two aspects of service encounters constitute the main foci of their analysis and could, therefore, become the basis for teaching such texts in class. Examples coming from authentic interactions illustrate the main points of the analysis which could help students become familiar with the dynamic, flexible structure of the genre, as well as with the various ways speakers create distance or intimacy via language.
Subject (LC):
γλωσσική διδασκαλία, επαγγελματικές συνδιαλλαγές, ευγένεια, κριτικός γραμματισμός
References (1):
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