Man’s alienation from nature and its reconciliation economic approach

Part of : Αρχείον οικονομικής ιστορίας ; Vol.VIII, No.1-2, 1997, pages 71-97

The writers of the article present the different economic Schools and streams concerning man’s allienation from nature from the point of view of the institutions. They underline that after the economists of the Classical School, the agent nature lost interest of further exploration. In the Austrian School interest in nature was more ore less significant with the exception of Eugen von Bφhm-Bawerk. The cause of this position towards nature was because Bawerk conceived production mainly form the point of view as a function of labour and capital. And this tendency can be seen as man’s allienation from nature. Nevertheless Roscher and Manger observed that the capicity of naturte is limited and therefore natural resources should be used carefully. The writers refer the contribution of Ciracy-Wantrups and Kapp in this field. In our days we can say that the interest of the economists is directed towards the physical and brological aspects of the process of production and consumption as well with the impact of the instutions aiming at the preservation of the various components of nature. Thus the reonciliation of man and nature is one of the today’s main targets of the economists and above all the preservation of natural ressources.
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