Dynamic effects of Polish accession on E.U. manufacturing

Part of : Αρχείον οικονομικής ιστορίας ; Vol.XV, No.2, 2003, pages 151-166

The paper presents quantitative estimates of the dynamic effects of integration of the forthcoming entrance of Poland into the E.U.. The examination of the dynamic effects of integration has been made with the utilisation of an ex-ante model. The results found by the application of this model suggest that the entrance of Poland in the E.U. would have mixed effects in the various sectors of the region. The sector that would benefit the most from integration is manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products. Other sectors where positive integration effects are expected are: wooden products, refined petroleum and coke products, fabricated metal products and radio, television and communication equipment. Integration would not be beneficial for the sectors of tobacco products and recycling for which, the total product of the region is excepted to decrease. The overall integration effect on all sectors is that the entrance of Poland into the E.U. will marginally increase the output of the region.
Subject (LC):
Poland, Accession, Dynamic integration effects
JEL classification: F02, F15