Η συνθήκη ειρήνης Ρωμανού Δ΄ Διογένη-Alp Arslan μετά την μάχη του Μαντζικέρτ (τέλη Αυγούστου - αρχές Σεπτεμβρίου 1071)

Part of : Βυζαντιακά ; No.27, 2008, pages 167-196

Section Title:
The events concerning the famous battle of Mantzikert (August 26, 1071) are mentioned by at least forty chronicles and other historical works: (GREEK) Michael Attaleiates, Continuation of Skylitzes, Michael Psellos, Nikephoros Bryennios, John Zonaras, Anna Comnena, Michael Glykas, Theodoros Skoutareiotes, Constantine Manasses, Ephraim Aineios' (ARMENIAN) Aristakës of Lastivert, Matthew of Edessa, Kirakos Ganjakec‘i, Smbat Sbarapet, Samuel Anets‘i, Vardan ArewelcT (SYRIAC) Michael the Syrian, Bar Hebraeus (i.e. Gregory Abü’l Faraj), Chronicon syriacum of Anonymus writer' (WESTERN/ LATIN) William of Apulie, Amatus of Montecassino, Andrea Dandolo, William of Tyr' (MUSLIM [Arabic - Persian - Ottoman]) Ibn al-Qalàni-si, Ibn al-Jawzi, Sibt bin al-Jawzï, ‘Imàd al-DIn, Ibn al-Athïr, al-Bün- darï, Kamâl al-DIn, Mawhub bin Mansur bin Mufarrig, Akhbar al- dawlat al-Saljüqiyya (maybe of Sadr al-DIn ‘All bin Nâsir al-Husaynl), al-‘Az!mI, Rasld al-DIn, Ibn ad-Devâdàrï, Ibn Keslr, al-Fàriqï, MI rhwând, Hamdullah Mustawfi, al-Aksarayi, Amhed bin Mahmud' (SLAVIC) bulgaro-slavic translation of C. Manasses.According to the fragmentary, controversial and conflicting information of these sources, the Byzantine emperor Romanos IV Diogenes and the Seljuk sultan Alp Arslan agreed, during the eight day captivity of Romanos at the turkish camp (from August 26 or 27 to September 3 or 4), on the terms of a peace treaty between the Empire and the Sultanate. The terms were: The cessation of hostilities and the agreement of a treaty of amityand collaboration between the Empire and the Sultanate and, naturally,Romanos Diogenes and Alp Arslan. The two rulers agreed to offer eachother military support in the future, if that was necessary. The peace treaty would last for twenty years (fifty, according to the incorrect testi-mony of Ibn al-Athir).1. The recognition of the sultan’s rule at Vaasprakania (i.e. Vaspurakan), and the byzantine surrender of Mantzikert to the Turks (but not of Edessa of Mesopotamia and Antiocheia of Syria, as some later eastern sources maintain and many modern researchers erroneously accept).2. The recognition of the eastern-frontier border line that existed between the Byzantines and the Seljuks, before the expedition of Romanos Diogenes at the western districts of Vaasprakania.3. The ceasing of turkish raids in the imperial lands of Asia Minor, north-western Mesopotamia and north Syria.4. The immediate release of Romanos and of some Byzantine officials.5. The release of the Turkish and other muslim captives that had been seized by the Byzantines during the previous years of fighting.6. The payment of ransom for the release of Romanos and other Byzantine captives (a total sum of 1.500.000 dinars according the muslim sources). Most Byzantine soldiers and officers would remain under captivity, as a guarantee for the payment of the ransom to the Turks. The emperor would pay 300.000 dinars for his personal release. The Empire would pay an annual amount of 60.000 dinars, for a period of twenty years, to the Seljuk Sultanate (in total: 300.000 dinars + 60.000 dinars x 20 years = 1.500.000 dinars).7. The agreement of Romanos and Alp Arslan to arrange the wedding of their children (a daughter of the emperor with the son of the sultan).8.The terms of the peace treaty remained inactive. Romanos was soon overthrown by the members of the imperial family (the Doukai). The new government of the Doukai had to deal with the revolt of the former emperor in Asia Minor and also faced great economic difficulties. Moreover, the Byzantines were not prepared to recognise officialy the imperial withdrawal from Armenia and the annexation of the region by the Turks. According to the sources, the sultan wished to take revenge on the Byzantines for the blinding and consequent death of Diogenes, with whom he had become friends. In our opinion, it is more likely that Alp Arslan wished to get rid himself of the most dangerous Seljuk emirs, such as Suleyman bin Qutlumush, by dispatching them to the west, that is to say, to the byzantine provinces of Asia Minor, that the treaty forced him to respect and leave unharmed.
Subject (LC):
Περιέχει σημειώσεις, Το παρόν άρθρο αποτελεί εκτενέστερη μορφή της ανακοίνωσης υπό τον τίτλο "Η συνθήκη ειρήνης Ρωμανού Δ 'Διογένη-Alp Arslan μετά την μάχη του Μαντζικέρτ (Αύγουστος/Σεπτέμβριος του 1071)", που πραγματοποίησε ο συγγραφέας στο ΚΗ΄ Πανελλήνιο Ιστορικό Συνέδριο της Ελληνικής Ιστορικής Εταιρείας (Θεσσαλονίκη, 25-27 Μαΐου 2007).