The competitiveness of the tourist destination on the future tourism market

Part of : WSEAS transactions on business and economics ; Vol.6, No.7, 2009, pages 374-384

The motto “action, not beautiful words” should guide the national policies of tourism from anycountry, starting from the compliance with the typical responsibilities taken to the following levels: national,provincial, regional, local.Also, in the government of a tourist destination we must take into account the cycle of life of the respectivedestination. Any model postulates the fact that the tourist destinations tend to experiment five distinctdevelopment stages: exploration, involvement, development, consolidation and stagnation.According to the reaction of the managers of the destination in stagnation, various scenarios are possible,including the decline, stabilisation, rejuvenating and reinvention.Within the consolidation and the stagnation stages, the managers must intervene and act in order to avoid theunwanted decline of the respective tourist destination. That is why, it is very important to organise aDestination Management (DMO – Destination Management Organisation), whose stages of governanceensure the destination sustainability, too. The more difficult such an action is, when the destination Drobeta –The Danube Bend – Ponoare, although endowed with an exceptional natural potential, which has offered a priority place in the excellent European destinations list (the 4th place) – a pilot project for promoting this regionstarted by the European Commission – because of the lack of a coherent development strategy and of amanagement and of a sustainable development of the destination.
Subject (LC):
tourism, sustainable, destination, revival, re-launching, strategy
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