Κώδικας επαγγελματικής δεοντολογίας των εκπαιδευτικών : προϋπόθεση της επαγγελματικής αυτονομίας τους

Part of : Επιστήμες Αγωγής ; No.1, 2004, pages 8-26

In the mosts ocial developed and occupational countries teachers tatus oftraining teachers.is offered Thus, teacher at high er organizations institutions and argue this tha thasteac herraisedoccupation meets the main traits of a profession. Referring to these trains they emphasize that (a) teachers draw on a body of systematic knowledge and on specialized skills, which are acquired through a lengthy period of higher education, (b) teachers perform a crucial social function, (c) teaching is a non-routine situation which calls teachers to exercise every moment their professional judgment, (d) the professional judgment should be based both on scientificknowledge and experience and on professional ethics of moral nature. On the basis of the above traits teaching occupation is regarded as a (semi-) profession and teachers claim their professional autonomy, personal and collective. However, teachers need to meet another criterion, that of the formalised code of professional ethics, which they usually lack.
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