Τηλεφάνης : μια συμβολή στη διερεύνηση του προβλήματος των καλλιτεχνικών ψευδωνύμων σε κλασικά ελληνικά νομίσματα

Part of : Χρονικά αισθητικής : ετήσιον δελτίον της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Αισθητικής ; Vol.46, No.Β, 2010, pages 267-280

Parallel Title:
Telephanes : a contribution to the investigation of the problem of artistic pseudonyms on classical Greek coins
Section Title:
Εικαστικές Τέχνες - Κινηματογράφος / Visual Arts - Cinema
“Τηλέφαντος” [Liddell & Scott s.v. τηλέφαντος] and its synomyms “Τη- λεσίφαντος” [Liddell & Scott s.v. τηλεσίφαντος] and “τηλεφανής” [Liddell & Scott s.v. τηλεφανής] date back to the Homeric era and, as adjectives, have the meanings “visible from afar”, “well-known”, and, more emphatically, “famous”. What could possibly be the link to a signature, possibly by an engraver, on an ancient Pharsalos drachma and somebody called Telephanes Phocaeus, who is mentioned by Pliny (34.68) and characterized by some researchers as “the grand master of the Persepolis friezes”? The present study is looking for answers drawing from the existing bibliography which has for many years solely relied on Pliny excerpts and a comparative approach of certified artistic pseudonyms on coins from Syracuse and other cities of Sicily and South Italy. The research concludes that known artistic pseudonyms on ancient coins have some characteristics in common with the ΤΗΛΕ- ΦΑΝΤ0[Υ] case.
Subject (LC):
αρχαία νομίσματα
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