Η μίμηση και η θεωρία της προσομοίωσης

Part of : Χρονικά αισθητικής : ετήσιον δελτίον της Ελληνικής Εταιρείας Αισθητικής ; Vol.45, 2009, pages 291-307

Parallel Title:
Mimesis and make-believe
Methodological criticisms are presented of the application of psychological and cognitive hypotheses to philosophical problems surrounding fiction. I describe three such related hypotheses - simulation theory, mirror neurons and make-believe - and then present criticisms of philosophical theories (Kendall Walton, Gregory Currie) which analyse fiction and mimetic representation by using them. Criticisms focus on the status of simulation and make-believe as propositional attitudes, and on the ability of the hypotheses to explain the counterfactual outcomes of fictions as outputs. I put forward a proposal on which beliefs, desires and preferences determine the outputs of what we imagine during our engagement with fictions, and draw methodological conclusions about the way the citicized hypotheses have been applied to the problem of fictional response.
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