Παλαιοντολογική-ιζηματολογική ανασκαφική έρευνα 2005 σπηλαίου A ' Λουτρακιού Αριδαίας

Part of : Το Αρχαιολογικό Έργο στη Μακεδονία και στη Θράκη ; Vol.19, No.1, 2005, pages 293-308

Parallel Title:
Palaeontological - sedimentalogical excavation research 2005 in cave A at Aridaia - Loutraki Area
The cave A' is located in the Loutraki Ari dea Almopia area of Pella prefecture, being 3.5 km away from it, at approximately 50 m altitude.Systematic paleotological and sedimentological excavations, combined with other investigations, were carried out from 1992 till today inside the cave.We conclude, from the up today results of this research, that 6 different areas of archaeological deposits exist inside the cave. They are of limited thickness, not exceeding 13 cm, apart from the area near the present day entrance, being of 50 cm approximately in thickness. In all area near the most ancient ceramic are of Neolithic period and mostly utensil items. Fire remains exist on the floor of all areas, whereas the cave walls are covered with a thin lager of fume resulting from the activity of Neolithic man as well as that of later period men. Coal’s radiocronology gave a date of 5912 years B.P. confirming that the oldest ceramics here are of Neolithic period. Based on sedimentai and absolute chronology evidences we conclude that the cave was not in use earlier than the Neolithic period, contrary to the sayings of other researcher that there existed Paleolithic findings. The thin-gained quartzed sediments underneath the microfossil layer were dated between 20.180 and 26.860 years old using the OSL, being in agreement with the results of earlier chronological methods of E.S.R. and C14. The 14.000-12.000 B.P. estimated age for the microfossil layer is in accordance with all up today sedimentai, mineral and absolute chronology evidences.As a result of X.R.D. method analysis the degree of fossilation on most bones is zero and on some of them, a minor external layer of calcite was been formed.The cave’s sedimentation started from its southern edge, where its initial entrance -blocked now by rock falls due to tectonic activity- was located.The clastic sedimentation inside the cave was interrupted by this neotectonic activity and the geological transformation that followed. Afterwards, the chemical sedimentation takes over, resulting in calcite formation, gours and other relative formation.
Subject (LC):
παλαιοντολογία, Πέλλα, συνέδρια
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