A mysterious bond forged by history : The making of Greek-Serbian traditional friendship in 19th century Greece

Part of : Balkan studies : biannual publication of the Institute for Balkan Studies ; Vol.45, No.1-2, 2004, pages 5-22

Section Title:
Greek-Serbian relations in the first half of the 20th century
In 1913, when Greece and Serbia joined in an alliance against Bulgaria,both nations were inspired by a sense of traditional friendship. Their militaryco-operation was presented and indeed was thought to be the natural outcomeof a lengthy and intimate relationship. This paper seeks to prove that theinvocation and the rhetoric of this friendship were more traditional and certainlymore effective as an argument than in deed. To do so it traces throughprinted sources the timetable and the fluctuation of this friendship in terms oftheory and locates the actual grounds, arguments, counter-arguments, andpatterns on which this friendship was publicly recognized as “traditional” byGreek public opinion. It was from the 1860s onwards that the “tradition” ofthis friendship was defined, enriched and treasured as a symbolic capital. Itwas widely known that there was no much substance in it -from time to time itwas admitted openly—nor direct contacts between the two peoples were particularlybrisk. But still “tradition” counterbalanced effectively all the diplomaticshortcomings and even survived the Macedonian crisis.
Subject (LC):
Ελληνοσερβικές σχέσεις τον 19ο αιώνα