Reading the Identity of Dramatis Personae Through the Semantics of Possible Worlds

Part of : Γράμμα : περιοδικό θεωρίας και κριτικής ; Vol.20, 2012, pages 221-235

The semantics of possible worlds allows us to see an abundance of alternative“independent” worlds that might not even exist.The notion is based on the principle that fictional worlds are not reproductionsor representations of the actual world but dominant kingdoms ofthe possible. Furthermore, it accepts that heroes, locations, and facts thatrefer to their actual or historical equivalent constitute in a sense a particularsemantic order.The present study focuses on the fact that fictional characters and theirhistorical and actual models are both captives of a transworld identity: afundamental concept of the semiotic theory of possible worlds. As such,the analysis focuses on various European and American plays and the manipulationto which they subject the transworld identity of their dramaticcharacters. Some fertile hypotheses from quantum physics can be used asadditional instruments of this study.
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